Fighting Forces. Vietnam.

Fighting Forces. Vietnam.
Gladiators of World War II. The Kamikazes. Norwegian resistance. The Anzacs. The free French. The Chindits. The Royal Navy. The paras and commandos. RAF Fighter Command. The SAS. Waffen SS. Special Operations Executive. Free Polish forces. The desert rats.
Gladiators of World War II. The Kamikazes. Norwegian resistance. The Anzacs. The free French. The Chindits. The Royal Navy. The paras and commandos. RAF Fighter Command. The SAS. Waffen SS. Special Operations Executive. Free Polish forces. The desert rats.
Hell in the Pacific.

Hell in the Pacific.
The Battle of the Java Sea. 27th february 1942-end of an Era

The Battle of the Java Sea. 27th february 1942-end of an Era
1942. Θάλασσα των Κοραλίων και Μίνγουέι. Η ώρα των αεροπλανοφόρων.
1942. Θάλασσα των Κοραλίων και Μίνγουέι. Η ώρα των αεροπλανοφόρων.Crete 1941. Germany’s lighting airborne assault.

World War II Jungle Warfare Tactics.