The Bloody 100th. The 100th Bomb Group and the road to Dresden.The Bloody 100th. The 100th Bomb Group and the road to Dresden.
Journey’s End. Bomber Command’s Battle from Arnhem to Dresden and BeyondJourney’s End. Bomber Command’s Battle from Arnhem to Dresden and Beyond
1941-45 Ο πόλεμος ενός εφήβου, A teenager’s war, Der krieg eines Jugendlichen. Κρήτη-Αιχμαλωσία-Απελευθέρωσις, Crete-Caprivity-Liberation, Kreta-Gefangenschaft-Befreiung.1941-45 Ο πόλεμος ενός εφήβου, A teenager’s war, Der krieg eines Jugendlichen. Κρήτη-Αιχμαλωσία-Απελευθέρωσις, Crete-Caprivity-Liberation, Kreta-Gefangenschaft-Befreiung.
Lying About Hitler. History, holocaust, and the David Irving trial.Lying About Hitler. History, holocaust, and the David Irving trial.