Russia’s War. Blood upon the snow. The history of the Stalin years (1924-1953).

Russia’s War. Blood upon the snow. The history of the Stalin years (1924-1953).
The Finest Hours of WW II.

The Finest Hours of WW II.
Β’ Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος 1939-1945, οι κυριότερες εικόνες. 10. Σώμα με σώμα στο Στάλινγκραντ.
Β’ Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος 1939-1945, οι κυριότερες εικόνες. 10. Σώμα με σώμα στο Στάλινγκραντ.
decisive Weapons. The weapons that changed the course of history.
decisive Weapons. The weapons that changed the course of history.
The Unknown War. Kursk, the world’s greatest tank battle.
The Unknown War. Kursk, the world’s greatest tank battle.
The War Files. U-Boats/Battleships/Aircraft carriers/Tanks at war.
The War Files. U-Boats/Battleships/Aircraft carriers/Tanks at war.
Tanks! The evolution of a legend 1939-1945. Volume Three.
Tanks! The evolution of a legend 1939-1945. Volume Three.
Hell’s Battlefield. Kursk-D-Day. Battle of the Bulge.

Hell’s Battlefield. Kursk-D-Day. Battle of the Bulge.
Battlefield. The battle of Kursk. Operation Citadel and the fight for Kharkov.

Battlefield. The battle of Kursk. Operation Citadel and the fight for Kharkov.
The Encyclopedia of WW II.

The Encyclopedia of WW II.