1914-1918. The Great War and the shaping of the 20th century. Total war.

1914-1918. The Great War and the shaping of the 20th century. Total war.
Thunder Birds of World War II. Spitfire meeting the threat. Stuka whistling death.
Thunder Birds of World War II. Spitfire meeting the threat. Stuka whistling death.
Finest Hour. The battle of Britain.

Finest Hour. The battle of Britain.
Fateful Choices. Ten Decisions that Changed the World 1940-1941

Ιούλιος-Οκτώβριος 1940. Η Βρετανία αντιστέτκεται στο σφυροκόπημα του Χίτλερ. Η RAF βάζει φρένο στα επεκτατικά όνειρα του Χίτλερ.

World War II on the Air. Edward R. Murrow and the broadcasts that riveted a nation

The Battle.

Battle of Britain.