The Illustrated Book of Guns. An illustrated directory of over 1,000 military, sporting, and antique firearms.
Handguns 1300-1870.
Handguns 1870-1978.
The Taming of the West. The Age of the Gunfighter. Men and weapons on the frontier 1840-1900. With artifacts from the Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum and the Buffalo Bill Historical Center.
Όπλα των Βαλκανικών Πολέμων 1912-1913.
Pistols & Revolvers. An illustrated history of hand guns from the sixteenth century to the prsent day.
Modern Sporting Guns.
The World’s Most Powerful Rifles and Handguns.
Firefight! The history of personal firepower.
The Great Book of Guns. An illustrated history of military, sporting and antique firearms.